The first time I came to visit Chicago (October 2010) I was here for finance training and it was a two week trip. At first I felt like that was way too long but I knew the hubby was coming for the weekend and that I'd meet folks. Good trade off. By day 3 I had made some wonderful new friends and was having a blast. I even discovered a delish wheat beer. (Goose Island 312. Say what you want; I love it.) My new friends and I hit up some of Chicago's best restaurants (best restaurants on our budget I should say) and learned all about Title IV funding. (Thrilling, I know.) Hubby came out for the weekend and we did all of the touristy stuff. Sears' (Willis) Tower. John Hancock. Michigan Ave. Chicago Bean. LOVED IT! (p.s- For all of you Harry Potter fans...the Chi-town trains are very Harry Potteresque. I was totally looking for platform 9 3/4 at Union Station.) Hubby played in a Playstation 3 tournament (lost to a 7 year old) and I got razzed for my flyers gear. LOVED IT! By the time Friday of our second week rolled around, everyone was totally ready to head home.....everyone but me. While I missed my husband, mom, friends and puppy, I could've stayed. I would've stayed. (Ya know, if I didn't have a wonderful hubby at home.)
<--Willis Tower, Skydeck.
At the Chicago Bean--->
I came back in December of 2010 but only overnight. Though I was happy to be back in Chi-town I didn't really do much other than work. That's okay....I was here and that was enough for me. Sadly, I didn't get to come back in 2011 but I understand. The whole "we need money to run the company thing" comes before "plan for Amanda to go to Chicago thing"! Can't win 'em all. But, Thanks to Project DELTA there was a legitimate need for me to return. That brings me to this trip (March 2012).
I've been here since Sunday night and it's been a fantastic trip. Again, I've met some pretty kick ass people (DeVry employs rock stars apparently) and I finally got to eat at Weber Grill restaurant. The hotel bartender remembered me and I've made some great new friends. Beer and friends, YES PLEASE! It's crazy though. I work for a company with 99 locations across the country. Seems pretty big, right? Well not really. I met a lot of people in this training who work with folks from my lsat trainings. It makes the whole "big company" feel more small company. Helps with networking too! One of my besties even came to visit. She lives in Minnesota and the 8 hour trip to Chicago is a better option than the 22 hours to PA. We went downtown for dinner with some of my new friends and laughed....a lot. She loved the Bean (not really but I'm pretending) and even drove me over the river. I couldn't really see it because it was pretty late but I still got my pretty excited.This trip wasn't just about making new friends though. Training has been a bit overwhelming but I'm confident. I'm leaving with contacts from Cali to VA to TX so I know I'll be okay. These are the folks I'll lean on when we go live in 67 DAYS! (Yes, we had to countdown every day. First and last question of every day.)
Anyway, I have to end this blog cause I have to head to bed to be ready for our last day of training. I may update this from home but really did want to get it in while I was still here. Mission Accomplished. As much as I'm looking forward to going home to see my hubby, mom, friends and puppy, I'd totally be okay with another week. Mission 'Get Back to Chicago' staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarts NOW.
Okay, I'm home now. Flight was delayed and I didn't get home until after 1am. So sleepy! Hubby, mom and puppy were very happy to see me so that made me feel good. I've spent most of today sleeping and am getting ready to do the homework I neglected in Chicago. Remember how mission get back to Chicago started on Thursday night (when I started this post)? Well, there is a pretty high chance that I'll be back in Chi-town the week of April 2nd. Fingers crossed!
p.s- Someone asked why I wrote "Da Magical City." Well, it's a play on Da Bears. Now you know.